First-in-class molecule
GUR-602 is a first-in-class innovative drug candidate developed by Nitric Oxide research platform to treat critical limb ischemia (CLI), Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and Raynaud's disease. This molecule is prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) modified by unique Nitric Oxide donor.
New set of targets
- EP1, EP4, IP receptors for prostaglandin Е1 (PGE1)
- Soluble guanylyl cyclase for nitric oxide.
Mechanism of action
GUR-602 relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessel and restores blood microcirculation.
High efficacy
- GUR-602 is effective vasodilator at endothelial vascular dysfunction conditions, it compensates functional insufficiency of NO synthase.
- GUR-602 acts to additional target - soluble guanylyl cyclase.
- The molecule has strong skin penetration activity that is caused by its chemical structure.
- GUR-602 is a strong clots formation inhibitor because PGE1 and NO synergistically improve blood rheology.